Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why We All Need Planned Parenthood

"Planned Parenthood serves more than three million women, men and teens nationwide every year and right now its ongoing existence is again in jeopardy. From XXFactor's 'Going After Planned Parenthood,' published yesterday:

There are 154 co-sponsors in the House for a bill denying government funding to any organization that provides abortion services. Congress already prohibits any government money being directed toward abortions except in the case of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother, and has since 1976. The $300 million-plus in government funding and contracts Planned Parenthood currently receives goes toward providing family planning and medical assistance to 1.85 million low-income women. As Gail Collins points out in "The Siege of Planned Parenthood," there's no comparable organization in this country offering those services. If Planned Parenthood closes its doors (the clear hope of Indiana Rep. Mike Pence and the 154 colleagues who've jumped on his bandwagon), then those women will go without-when for every dollar in public funding spend on family planning services, Medicaid saves $4.02 the next year.

Right-wing pro-life action groups have been attempting to discredit PP's benefits for years, and they've lately been resorting to one of their favorite tactics - sending fake pimps and prostitutes to clinics!5754808/a-new-planned-parenthood-video-and-more-misunderstandings with cameras in some kind of To Catch An Abortion Provider style propaganda campaign.!5758256/why-we-all-need-planned-parenthood

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